Explore Maui
Immerse yourself in the captivating island of Maui, where the vibrant culture, enchanting language, and the spirit of aloha come alive. Join me on this captivating podcast as we delve into the practical, historical, and mystical aspects that make Maui a truly special place. Discover the insider tips and essential knowledge you need to fully experience and appreciate your time on the island. From practical advice on navigating the island's attractions to exploring its rich historical heritage and uncovering the mystical elements that add an air of enchantment, this podcast will be your ultimate guide to Maui. Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery and connection to the heart and soul of this beautiful island.
Explore Maui
Kapihe’s Prophecy/ Hermetic Laws
“When Kamehameha I was ruler over only Hawaii Island, and not all of the islands were his, and while the eating kapu was still enforced, and while he was living in Kohala, Kona, Hawaii, it was there that a certain man lived named Kapihe (also called Kamaloihi) and his god was called Kaonohiokala.” (Hoku o ka Pakipika, March 20, 1862)
“This man named Kapihe went before Kamehameha I and before the alii of Kona, and he said …”
E hui ana na aina
E iho mai ana ko ka lani
E pii aku ana ko lalo nei
E iho mai ana ke Akua ilalo nei
E kamailio kamailio pu ana me kanaka
E pii mai ana o wekea dek iluna
E ohi aku ana o Milu ilalo
E noho pu ana ke Akua me kanaka
The lands shall be united
What is heaven’s shall descend
What is earth’s shall ascend
God shall descend
And converse with mankind
Wakea shall ascend up above
Milu shall descend below
God shall live with mankind
(Kapihe; Velasco)
Spoken about three years before Christian missionaries arrived in the Hawaiian Islands with bibles and scriptures, the prophecy of Kapihe seemed to foretell the abolishment of the kapu and transformation to Christianity and westernization.
“The chiefs and commoners were astounded at these shocking words spoken by Kapihe, and they called him crazy. This perhaps is the truth, for some of his predictions came true and others were denied.” (Hoku o ka Pakipika, March 20, 1862)
“(I)t might be thought that Kapihe’s was a riddle and the land would not literally join together … Perhaps his words were not his alone, but from God.”
Outro Hawaiia Immersion
Elevate your understanding, enrich your spirit, and join a community of seekers on a transformative journey through the heart and soul of Hawaii. Don't just learn; experience the essence of Hawaii's past and present. Your journey begins here – seize the opportunity now!
Hawaii Immersion Course: